

The entities of the institute participate in various large-scale programs.


PIREN-Seine Program
Sorbonne University is a stakeholder via the laboratory "Environmental Environments, Transfers and Interactions in Hydrosystems and Soils" (UMR 7619 Métis) and the Observatory of the Sciences of the Universe (OSU) Ecce-Terra, which focuses on the functioning of the entire hydrographic network of the Seine watershed and in particular the problems of pollution carried towards the sea.

Tara Ocean Expeditions
Since 2004, 11 expeditions have been organized by Tara Oceans. In 2019, the micro-plastics mission of the Tara Océan foundation was based on the analysis of marine stations and researchers from the Sorbonne University laboratories. Tara's new expedition, launched at the end of 2020 and dedicated to microbiomes, will benefit from similar scientific support.

Observatories for Man and the Environment (OHM)
The OHMs are research devices dedicated to understanding highly anthropized, highly artificial (anthropo-constructed) and highly complex ecosystems. Man is considered to interact directly with the Geosphere and the Biosphere, with which he constitutes unique ecosystems (ESU). Among the 12 MHOs in place, "Littoral Caraïbe" in particular, involves marine biodiversity researchers from the Alliance Sorbonne University.