Marine stations
The Alliance Sorbonne University benefits from five marine stations located in Banyuls-sur-mer, Concarneau, Dinard, Roscoff, Villefranche-sur-mer. They are a major transversal asset of the Alliance. They contribute to research, training, expertise, the enrichment of collections, and scientific mediation. At the interface of these activities, they propose participatory science projects.
They are equipped with technical platforms, resource centers and a hosting service, shared - for Banyuls-sur-mer, Roscoff and Villefranche-surmer - by EMBRC-France hosted in Roscoff. They host different types of courses. These stations have complementary scientific orientations in the study of organisms, ecosystems and the development of biotechnologies.
Thanks to a strong local presence, they are privileged partners for companies, especially those dedicated to marine biotechnologies and professionals in the fishing and aquaculture industries.