Call for Master 2 projects for 2024
The Ocean Institut's call for Master 2 projects will fund a dozen internships for Master 2/Engineer students starting in January 2024.
France-Portugal special: an additional grant is available this year for a Master's internship project proposed jointly by an applicant from an ASU laboratory and an applicant from a Portuguese laboratory belonging to the Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (MARE).
Deadline: September 22, 20223
The Ocean Institut is one of the thematic and multidisciplinary institutes of the Alliance SU. The Alliance, in association with the French Navy and the École Navale to found this Institute, offers a remarkable opportunity to bring together the various marine and maritime disciplines, traditionally separated in France whereas they are often brought together in other countries. Research and training at the Institut de l'Océan will provide a fertile breeding ground for new developments at the crossroads of disciplines. Our three unifying themes are
The Sea in the history of the Earth, life and societies. This approach, based on different time scales (geological, prehistoric, historical, current), is an original feature of our Institute, thanks to the diversity of the Alliance's components. Transdisciplinary projects may focus on origins, evolutions and trajectories.
Global changes, risks and adaptations. This is a subject that cannot be ignored in many disciplines. A number of SU Alliance teams are already working in this direction, but the aim is to develop a cross-disciplinary approach that takes into account the specific oceanic, coastal and littoral impacts on marine organisms, ecosystems and socio-ecosystems.
Maritime geopolitics and circulation. In today's increasingly maritimeized world, it is essential to examine all forms of maritime circulation (ships, people and cultures, goods, pandemics, species, etc.), as well as the issues of appropriation and exploitation of the oceans, which could be the source of tomorrow's conflicts.
The Institut de l'Océan's call for Master's 2 projects will fund a dozen internships for Master's 2 students / Engineers starting in January 2024 (total maximum €5k including gratuities for internships of 5 to 6 months + operations/missions).
France-Portugal special: an additional grant is available this year for a Master's internship project proposed jointly by an applicant from an ASU laboratory and an applicant from a Portuguese laboratory belonging to the Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (MARE). The maximum grant is €10k.
Eligibility requirements
The Master 2 project must be led by a supervisor assigned to a research unit supervised by an Alliance SU or Ecole Navale institution, and preferably fall within one of the three priority areas of the Institut de l'Océan.
Interdisciplinary projects, co-supervised by researchers from two different ASU or Ecole Navale units, will be appreciated, but are not compulsory.
Does your truly interdisciplinary project fall outside one of these 3 areas? You can still submit it to us, provided it is co-supervised by researchers from two ASU or Ecole Navale units.
For the special France-Portugal grant, the co-supervisor must belong to one of the 7 MARE clusters listed at the bottom of this page.
How to apply
The application form must be sent by the project leader to the Institut de l'Océan Management Committee before September 22, 2023 at the following address:
Access the application form :
Project selection
Projects will be selected on the basis of applications by the Institut de l'Océan Management Committee, assisted by experts from the ASU community where appropriate.
Call schedule
July 3, 2023: Call opens
September 22, 2023: Deadline for submission of proposals
October 6, 2023: Announcement of selected projects
NB: this timetable is subject to change.
For selected projects
You will be free to select the student of your choice in line with your project, regardless of his/her educational establishment. The grant will be paid as soon as we receive the internship agreement.
For the France-Portugal project, the student may be enrolled in either a French or Portuguese university, but must benefit from an internship agreement drawn up by the laboratory of the French sponsor.