Projets de master 2 - Axe Géopolitique maritime et circulations
  • Formation

Ocean geopolitics, maritime flows


Development of the "Jeanne d'Arc Helicopter Carrier" fund


The archives of the helicopter carrier Jeanne d'Arc was transferred to the SHD  (Armed Forces Historical Service) in 2017. This collection, rich in iconography, has a dual historical and patrimonial interest that sheds new light on French maritime geopolitics and naval diplomacy. The mission reports, port visit reports, campaign albums and other documents relating to the campaigns of the French Navy midshipmen provide particularly abundant and little used material, more specifically on the period following the independence of the formerly colonized territories. On the other hand, more than forty years of missions from Brest have woven close relations between the "Jeanne" and her home port, which today deserve a heritage enhancement. The proposed internship will aim to explore these two avenues, based on the consultation of unclassified documents, with the first objective of setting up an educational workshop on the Jeanne d'Arc, as well as making proposals for cultural actions to promote this heritage.

Hosting structure: Laboratory of History and Maritime Archaeology of Sorbonne University in cooperation with the Armed Forces Historical Service.